
English【BeMoLo features and Functions】

■BeMoLo shoes embodying Beginning Movement Load theory■

BeMoLo shoes are nicknamed after the first two letters of Beginning Movement Load.
BeMoLo shoes feature three bars on the bottom of the shoe that guide the body weight in the order of the little toe, ring finger, and thumb. By changing the direction of the load at the time of landing, which increases several times the body weight, the shoes can naturally disperse the impact and convert it into propulsive force.

□Features of BeMoLo Shoes□

 When walking, unnecessary bending or flexion of the knee joint can over-activate the Achilles tendon, soleus muscle, and thigh, blocking ankle motion. In addition, the toes are placed under intense pressure, inhibiting their movement.
Therefore, when walking, the leg and ankle muscles must be able to repeatedly “relax (laxity)-stretch-shorten” without unnecessarily bending the knee joint. Failure to do so can lead to typical knee, back, shoulder, and neck pain. When wearing BeMoLo shoes, the three bars allow you to land on your feet at the head of the calcaneus bone and with your pinky and ring toes while grounding the outside of the sole. This allows the muscles to relax and the pelvis to move forward naturally, without strong “tensing” of the muscles. Since the thumb, which acts as a brake (stop), is not used strongly, this creates an opportunity to increase rotational movement, especially in the pelvis and hip joints. Immediately after a prolonged period of muscle relaxation, also seen in the B.M.L.T. cam, the three bars provide a flat landing (outside sole grounding) of the entire foot. Muscle relaxation is maintained in this state. The final phase of the pelvis being moved forward, the muscles contract moderately, allowing for relaxed and fast activity while maintaining good balance and ease. Especially in the arch (sole) area of the foot, there are many sensors directly connected to the brain called muscle spindles. When the proper functioning of these sensors is high, the body does not collapse even during rotational movements such as swings represented by bats, golf clubs, etc. BeMoLo shoes stimulate these sensors appropriately and promote their activity. It is easy to see why they are considered a necessity for car drivers and others. In sprint competitions, for example, you want to land at the base of the ring finger and move to a flat landing to promote sensor activity centered on the ball of the foot, and BeMoLo shoes have made this possible.
On the contrary, there have historically been too many shoes that limit the function of these sensors. Foreign and domestic researchers and medical specialists have praised the BeMoLo shoes, saying, “For the first time, mankind has a shoe that is beneficial to the body. Until now, they have simply been used to put feet in."

□Ideal Walking with BeMoLo Shoes□

 Consider the shift of the center of gravity when wearing general shoes and BeMoLo shoes. The colder the color (blue) to the warmer the color (red), the greater the load. In general shoes, the load is concentrated toward the foot thumb at once when walking. As mentioned earlier, the thumb plays the role of “brake” and “stop,” so you can see that the load is again applied to the back during walking.
In comparison, BeMoLo shoes show that the center of gravity moves in order from back to front when walking. When walking with BeMoLo shoes, you can see that the load shifts to the little finger, ring finger, and thumb in that order while landing near the head of the swelling bone and grounding the outside of the sole.

□Effects of BeMoLo Shoes□

Let us consider the physical effects of general shoes and BeMoLo shoes. Compared to when wearing BeMoLo shoes, the toes on the radiograph of the foot are bent when wearing general shoes. This is believed to be because wearing BeMoLo shoes enables the correct walking style based on the Beginning Movement Load theory, and the load on the foot is correctly balanced.  


 平日 9:00-13:00/15:00-18:00
 平日 10:00-13:00/15:00-21:00
 祝日 10:00-13:00

